Through wind and snow and sleet and rain... and an occasional sunny day. February was an interesting running month. Yet my running-every-day-outdoors streak is still intact!
Altogether I covered 112.3 miles, for just over 4 miles per day. 79.9 was actual running (2.85/day) and 32.4 was cool-down walking.
This month was significantly lower in miles than the 129.45 in December and 139.95 in January. Not only is February a few days shorter, but I also had several days of travel where I only did the minimum 1 mile. Also, since I've started preparing for a half marathon in April, I have only been doing the minimum mile on my "rest" days (two days a week).
Some significant events from February:
- The 2nd and 3rd were blizzard days. I ran in my screw shoes 3.25 and 5.2 miles respectively, in unplowed snow.
- We were in Buda two days and Champaign one, and I only ran 1 mile each of those days, with minimal cool-down walking.
- I did have a streak of 4 days of at least a 5k followed by a 10k - all running.
- I ran at least a 10k every Friday of the month. On 2/18 I did a 10k in 59:15, which is fairly fast for me.
March will likely move into some new territory. My long runs start to go over a 10k (Fridays), we will likely do at least one 5k race, and I'm not sure if I will be able to maintain the every-day streak. My right foot (fascia) is giving me some fits. I have started doing some self-scraping and wearing a compression sock on occasion. We'll see.
Whatever happens this month, February was still a pretty good month for me running. It is quite possibly the first time I've run outdoors in February, and for sure the first time I've done it every day of the month! I feel pretty fortunate.
“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.” -Job 23:10-11
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