Monday, February 07, 2022

Snow day

Once there was a day, and it snowed. A lot. The result was... a snow day! I haven't had one of those in a while.

As I stated in my previous post (I think), we got a bunch of snow last week. The week started with temps in the 50s, but two days later (Wednesday) it started snowing and it lasted into Thursday night. The news said we got 13" total. I measured 9" very unscientifically at our house. Whatever. It's the most we've had at once in quite the long while.

On Tuesday places started announcing closures for later in the week. Not where I work, of course. When it started snowing Wednesday I was swamped with phone calls wanting to know if we were open, if we would be closing early, if our classes would still be going on, etc., etc.. It was approaching insanity and, of course, the people who make those decisions wouldn't say a word. In case I forget to say it later, the CEO and COO are absolute morons with a capital "MORE." It seems they go out of their way to make things more difficult for their employees, and never do anything to help (and I don't think I'm exaggerating, for a change).

Well, Wednesday night the city put us in the Red category which meant only emergency vehicles could be on the roads. So they closed the branches around 7 pm. I was expecting them to then say the branches would all be closed on Thursday, since literally everything else in the state was (since it was to continue snowing). Nope. I was informed that I was to check the travel advisories when I got up at 4AM. If it was still red I didn't need to go in, but if it wasn't then I was to open as usual. So, naturally, I asked how long I was supposed to keep checking it? What if they lifted the travel ban at 7? Was I supposed to just sit and refresh it all day until my shift was over? No answer. Finally at 10:13AM I was informed we would be closed all day. Really??? What took them so long to come to this realization??? (Did I already mention how pathetic these people are?) Oh! And we weren't supposed to post anything on social media about being closed! Hahaha. Well, I already had. I was telling people on Wednesday that we would post our status either on the app or our Facebook page (because why else do we have them?). So I posted it on the Facebook page.

Anyway, so we were closed all day Thursday. Poor Jane had to work from home. I pretty much did nothing except bitch about the ceo and coo (if you can imagine that). I guess I did run the snowblower on our driveway and sidewalk 3 or 7 times that day. The first dumping on Wednesday was really wet. The snow we got Thursday was very fine and powdery, and it drifted some later on.

The travel ban was lifted late Thursday afternoon. I was told we were expected to open our normal hours on Friday. I was only scheduled to work from 5-8AM Friday, and got a number of phone calls again. Of course the young guy who was supposed to come in at 8 called in that his car was stuck. One of the supervisors came and relieved me around 8:30. Fun times.

The fun only got funner after work. I don't even know now how many cars I helped push out. More than 3 and less than 6, I'm guessing. The streets in our subdivision were terrible. There just isn't enough traffic to pack the snow down. Of course even the more 'main' roads on the south side of town aren't a real priority anyway. It was a mess. I could get around okay in my Ford Escape because it sits high off the ground. People in cars were screwed.

We finally had a snow plow come through our neighborhood sometime early Saturday morning. Right now it just looks like a lot of gray winter suck outside. I'm ready for Spring.

Sorry for the rant. Ugh. It was all so stupid. Why do executives have to be assholes?


“Come now, let us settle the matter,”
    says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
    they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
    they shall be like wool.

- Isaiah 1:18


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