Did you know the phrase 'sick as a dog' comes from the early 1700s? Apparently it was common to compare undesirable things to dogs. Not that they were disliked, but they were often carriers of diseases spread to humans.
I have no idea how I acquired what I went through last night, but I wouldn't wish it on the mangiest of mutts.
I suppose it started yesterday morning. I noticed I was just sore everywhere. My legs were stiff, and my ribs felt like my old football days after a game. I thought maybe it was because Tuesday I'd had a stressful day emotionally. For no particular reason I had some serious brain cloud and was grumpy all day (so maybe it started then!). Anyway, I did my usual run yesterday afternoon, and felt good during that - another 27-minute 5k followed by a 2-mile walk (I've only done a handful of 5ks that fast - I was sprinting the last 100 meters of each quarter mile).
It was after I ran that my stomach started to ache. I thought maybe I was hungry, so I had a perhaps over-ripe banana. It didn't taste great. I'd had one of those frozen bags of 'Italian Protein Blend' for lunch. I wasn't sure about that at the time either. Anyway, after showering and supper, the pain started to spread to my entire trunk from below my chest to my groin. It also intensified. It was uncomfortable to sit. I thought I just needed to lay on my side for awhile, so I went to bed.
Whew, that didn't help. I felt like I was going to explode. I finally went into the bathroom, and started to sweat. A lot!
Then it finally happened. I puked. I don't even remember the last time I puked, much less the last time I felt like this. This was maybe the most unexplained pain I've felt in.... maybe forever.
I went back to bed, sopping wet but feeling momentarily better. Then it came back. It was like having pregnancy contractions. Every minute or so the pain would come back, and was nearing unbearable.
Finally I grabbed my garbage can and lay on the living room floor. The cat came and tried her best to comfort me (as Jane had been doing in bed). I puked a couple more times - though not much came out - and each time I felt a little better.
I have no idea what time I went to bed, but I woke up around 5am and felt... okay. It was such a relief. Jane had called one of my supervisors around 10 last night and said I couldn't work Thursday, so I went back to sleep and am now easing into the day.
I've yet to have anything but a cup of coffee, and am feeling plenty tired and drained, but am hoping I'm over it.
Like I said, I don't even remember the last time I was sick like this - if I ever have been! I was miserable. I think this is also the first time I've had to call in sick to work since I've had this job (almost 5 years). I felt bad, but there was no way.
The good news is.... I get to start this day in my favorite way. Wake up on my own, have a coffee and sit down and read at the computer, then write this. I really wish I could start every day like this. Although, I'm hoping tomorrow (and the rest of today) I can avoid repeating last night! Woo doggie.
I'm thankful for a warm house to be sick in, and a loving wife to tend to me. It's not a dog's life, and that's quite alright.
"Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly" - Proverbs 26:11
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