Tuesday, May 03, 2022

To be better, or to better be

Sometimes I'll see an article and think, "That sounds interesting, buuuuuuuut...." I have a feeling it's more click-bait than substance.

I'd seen this article "8 Things to Do Everything Better" a number of times and usually thought, "Yeah, right. Just another impossible list of things to do that will leave me feeling worse." Well, I finally caved, and I'm glad I did. It's a good, and even short, article.

It's not about following a formula to greater success, but simple things to not only feel better, but to actually have a better and more enjoyable life.

Here are the basic points, but the article itself is fairly short and worth a read itself:

  1. Stress + Rest = Growth
  2. Focus on Process, Not Results
  3. Stay Humble
  4. Build Your Tribe ("you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with")
  5. Take Small, Consistent Steps to Achieve Big Gains
  6. Be A Minimalist to Be A Maximalist
  7. Make The Hard Things Easier ("Don’t just think about how you’re going to accomplish your goals; think about how you’re going to design for them")
  8. Remember To Experience Joy

These are things I want to do anyway, so it's nice to see them listed out. Not necessarily to be "better," but to better be. So I hope to return here now and then.


"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." - Psalm 16:11

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