Monday, August 07, 2023

18 miles and the longest week

I did my 18-mile run this past Saturday. Not that it was enjoyable by any means, but it wasn't terrible either. The most important thing is that it's done!

Jane ran the first 8 miles with me and I felt pretty good. We got out about 7:45AM and temps were fairly mild (upper 60s-low 70s). We did the loop down to Bluffton Road, around Foster Park, and back on the greenway. It worked out to about 9 miles total (we started by winding a bit thru our neighborhood).

We almost got attacked by a dog a mile in, and then almost saw the dog get hit by a car! Ugh. It was along Lower Huntington and this lady was on the other side of the road. Of course the dog was not on a leash, and it bolted across 4 lanes right at us. When it got to us we realized it was old, and when we didn't react it just turned around. Of course then it started right back across the street and there were two cars RIGHT THERE. I waived my arms and got them to stop so the stupid dog could cross. The lady apologized but we just went on. I didn't want her to be sorry. I want her to not let her damn dog run around loose.

Anyway, after the first loop, I ran pretty much the same course the second time. Even though it wasn't hot I seemed to be sweating a lot. Around miles 11-14 I was struggling a bit, but then seemed to get a burst of energy at mile 15 - which didn't last real long, but long enough to get me thru the 18th mile and half-mile cooldown walk home.

I took gels at mile 6.5, 11, and 15. I think I stopped and filled my 12 oz water bottle 3 times. So I was fairly well hydrated and electrolyted.

Altogether I think it took just shy of 3 1/2 hours, but I haven't checked to see my pace. I was hoping it would be about that or maybe a little longer.

And... not only was this the longest run so far this year, it was also the longest weekly mileage of this training program. That is what I am most excited to have over! This is a pretty low-mileage marathon plan compared to most, but it was still 36 miles for the week (plus about 5 miles of cooldown walks).

I still have a 19 and 20-miler to do, but those weeks only require 35 total miles. And, the best part, this is probably the best I've felt energy-wise at this point in training. Normally I seem to really be dragging about now, only to regain energy during the taper weeks toward the end. So I'm pretty happy about that. It probably helped that I was taking Prednisone all week for my poison ivy rash. I will say, the heel pain I'd been having went away - though it has now come back a little since I've stopped the steroid.

Anyway, it's always nice to get this week behind me. The next long run is just 13. After that I think they go 19, 12, 20, 12, 8, and then the marathon. Almost there!

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