Friday, August 04, 2023

It's more than 26.2

I have run 5 marathons and am currently training for my 6th. One a year is plenty for me, since I'm not trying to "win" or anything. It is simply a lifestyle I have chosen. Basically I am always in some stage of training for my annual run.

People are often shocked to discover I am a marathoner. At some point it's inevitable, after first asking how far a marathon is (26.2 miles, in case you're wondering), they will say something like, "Wow, I don't know how you can run that far."

Here's the thing though... running a marathon takes a lot more than 26.2 miles. I looked at my current training program and it calls for me to run 462 miles BEFORE running the marathon! And the first long run is 8 miles, so you need to have run some before then to even begin. And this plan is on the low side of miles compared to others!

My point is: running a marathon requires a lot more than 26.2 miles.

You know what, though? So does everything else. None of us just gets up and goes to work without any learning or training beforehand. Those singers who make it look so effortless have done it a million times when no one was there to see. The same with golfers, nurses, welders, cooks, and whoever else you can think of. 

I guess I'm talking about: practice.

Yes, I can hear the Allen Iverson clip everyone uses to make fun of practice... The thing is, that came about because he missed ONE practice. He absolutely practiced. A lot! 

We are all practicing too. Maybe not basketball... but you're practicing something. The question is, is it something you want to get better at?

Not only do I run, but I have also been trying to practice getting to know the bible better again, praying, and being able to sit alone with just myself and not be uncomfortable. I believe all those things will help me, and help those around me too. So I do them every day.

Here's my question to you: Is what you're practicing helping you toward who you want to become, or are you becoming someone you don't want to be because of the things you're practicing? (Yes, there are just as many bad habits as good).

One thing I have recently found helpful is simply taking time each day to think about how I spent the previous day. What did I do? What habits, or practices, do I have? Do they line up with the kind of person I want to be?

That's what I'm thinking about today. Have a happy Friday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so much more than 26.2. Watching you get ready for the marathon is what inspires me to keep going. As for everything else, I need to start practicing better things as well. Glad for the things we get to work on together. JAH