Thursday, August 03, 2023

Re-wirements for happiness

I read a fascinating little article by Yale psychology professor Laurie Santos, "Why Humans Are Surprisingly Bad At Being Happy." You can listen, or read the transcript.

Basically, we suck because the human brain isn't wired for happiness... because it's not essential for survival. Not only that, but our minds can also deceive us about what true happiness is and how to find it.

So what should we do? She suggests we can re-wire our brains through a set of practices she calls "re-wirements." They are:

  • prioritizing social connections
  • being other-oriented
  • focusing on gratitude and blessings
  • exercise

This sounds very similar to Johann Hari's findings in his great book 'Lost Connections: Why You're Depressed and How To Find Hope.'

What I find interesting is how naturally resistant I am to so many of these things - especially when I'm feeling down. And it's like... happiness is found in pushing through my natural inclinations; sort of 'going against the flow.' Maybe not to the point where I do like George Costanza and do the opposite of every thing I think. But certainly maybe we are sometimes our own worse enemy.

Although, I've also read lately that many of these "studies" aren't very helpful due to how information was retrieved. Like, hanging out with friends, exercising, and keeping a gratefulness journal works for some people, or for a time, but may not work the magic we think it should.

So in the end, I'm trying lately to just live one day at a time, as well as keep a focus on Jesus in my life. What does he want me to do, say, think, etc.? I mean, if God knew what he was doing in creating me, then He's gotta help out here, right?

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