Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Second shingles shot

Oof. Man. I've been out of it all day. I got my second of two doses of Shingrix yesterday and it's just about done me in.

I got the first one on 10/17/23 and had to wait 2-6 months to get the second. I wanted to do it before the end of the year because apparently I've met my deductible and it doesn't cost anything (instead of the $235.85 per-shot price with no insurance coverage). 

Everyone said there is generally a worse reaction to the second than the first. The pharmacist said both shots are exactly the same, so when you get the second your body recognizes you've had it before and is not a fan of this stuff in your system. While the shot itself did seem to hurt a little more than the first, I really didn't notice much the rest of the day. Even when I went to bed I had to touch my arm to notice anything. When I got up this morning though... Oh boy.

I mean, I wasn't sick at all, but my arm/shoulder was sore, and I just felt achy and run down. We went to work out at 6am and by then I decided I wasn't going to do my usual Wednesday 5 miles on the treadmill. I managed 35 minutes walking at 2.5 mph. Fortunately Jane forgot her phone at home, so while she showered and got ready for work I drove home and got her phone for her.

I had breakfast when I got home, and next thing I know I was waking up on the couch at 10am. I didn't stray too far from there the rest of the morning.

My arm is still a little sore, but I mostly just feel out of it. I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow (at least I hope so). Still, it's worth it to be 92% sure I won't get shingles like my mom did. 

Now I'm all caught up on my vaccinations and can give my ol' arm a rest. Tomorrow is a weightlifting day so we'll see how that goes.

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