Monday, January 22, 2024

Saturday .... in the fort

Though I did not think it was the fourth of July (in case you're now humming the Chicago tune 'Saturday In the Park.' Get it?).

Sorry, I was trying to figure out how to describe my Saturday and that song popped into my noggin.

Anyway, it was a nice day; and pretty busy (for me).


We started off with the two grandson's basketball game at 9am. They are in 4th & 5th grade and play on the same 6th grade team. Both play fairly regularly, though the younger is much more into it than the older.

Watching these games is conflicting for me (if you can imagine). I love seeing the boys out on the court, as well as just watching live sports in general. However, no matter how much I tell myself not to beforehand, I inevitably get all worked up at some point and begin complaining about the officials, coaches, or players. I get so disappointed with myself because I know no one wants to be around people like that. Fortunately everyone has tolerated me so far and I haven't been asked to leave or not come back. Still, it's fun to watch and I'm glad all three grandkids have the chance to participate in things.


We waited til noon to go for a run hoping it would warm into the teens. It might have, but it was cloudier and windier than I'd hoped and not a very warm day. Yet it was good to be able to run outside again.

Jane did her usual 4 miles as she hasn't technically started training yet. My marathon training plan called for me to do 11 miles. My first double-digit day of the year.

Since there is snow on the ground we aren't able to get to the greenway from our house without getting our feet wet, so we decided to drive to Foster Park (whereas we normally would have just ran there).

My plan was to go around the park 5 times. However I did not know part of the park/trail was under construction (not that I'm surprised because Fort Wayne is ALWAYS under construction in multiple locations). Anyway, we were able to meander around enough to get our respective miles in.

I averaged somewhere between a 10-10:30 pace and actually felt pretty good. I brought a gel and water bottle and left them in the car, and returned to it after about 5 miles for a recharge. That worked out better than lugging a drink along with me. Next week is 12 miles.


Saturday night we hosted Duke Tumatoe and the Power Trio at the concert hall where we volunteer. We've had them before and it's always a swell time. I like his blues guitar sound, as well as his funny stories and crowd interaction. Everyone else seemed to enjoy it too. It was a good crowd and many ended up dancing.

The only problem was... We were a little short-handed. Jane and another lady worked the front counter and me and a newbie bartender served beer and wine. There are usually one or two additional people at each location. I don't know about the front door, but we were SWAMPED at the bar! It was an older crowd numbering around 200, and they drank a lot. Once the bulk of people had arrived Jane ended up helping us out behind the bar. I think the three of us split about $150 in cash tips (we haven't gotten credit card tips yet). 


So, all told, Saturday was a busy day. The basketball game was only about an hour, the run nearly two, and we were at the concert hall from 6-11:30pm (setting up the bar, working, and cleaning the hall afterward - plus I spent nearly two hours setting up tables/chairs on Thursday). I was tired, but in a good way. :)

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