Thursday, March 28, 2024

To live in a different way

Certainly I think the Christian Bible is a valuable and important work. I read from it often, have read the entire thing through numerous times, and have even committed portions to memory. But is that enough?

Yesterday I was leafing through Christopher A. Hall's book 'A Different Way,' and was reminded of this quote he included from John Ortberg:

Take any person you know whose knowledge of the Bible is, say, ten times greater than that of the average unchurched person. Then ask yourself if this person is ten times more loving, ten times more patient, and ten times more joyful than the average unchurched person.

As Hall says, Ortberg's point is a good one. Information alone is not enough to live a different way. He then goes on to share the importance of listening... Really listening; Spiritual listening, if you will. 

Yeah, this was a convicting little (or not so little) reminder to me. Perhaps Maundy Thursday is a good day to carry this around for a bit ... Not only in my brain, but in my body and spirit as well.

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