Friday, March 29, 2024

Five things friday (good)

Yes, many people (at least in the USA) refer to this as Good Friday. There are theories as to why. Honestly, I don't really know, or care right now. It is what it is, right? I'm not sure what we call it changes much of anything. Here are five things on my mind today:

  1. There was a time when Holy Week was of utmost importance to me. I'd say it was my favorite holiday season, but that seems odd anymore. Maybe it's just a phase I'm going through, or maybe my mind is occupied elsewhere. It's certainly not that I have tired of engaging with the life (and death and resurrection) of Christ. I think I'm just processing it differently.
  2. This morning Jane mentioned how I used to always post the David Gilmour Holy Week Liturgy. I actually thought about it a couple times, but not much. I do still intend to turn it into a devotional book (or ebook) - and probably my first piece of published writing. I guess I just didn't feel the need to post it (here or on FB) this year. 
  3. Speaking of this morning... I had the pleasure of attending the Y's Good Friday breakfast event today. My wife and daughter were both working it, and Jane has a lot to do with it's planning and behind-the-scenes execution. It was a swell good time. I was inspired to tears by a friend who delivered the devotion, and then it was taken to a whole other level by the speaker, Timothy Alexander. I love events like this and it is perhaps one of the things I miss most about being in church leadership. Not only did the messages inspire me, but just being in this environment and around people made me feel good.
  4. I suppose if I had a take-away from this morning it was to finally get my substack up and running. I don't know what else to do other than write, and as much as I'd like to just continue on this ol' blogger platform, I'm not sure it's the best place (for a number of reasons; though I could also be wrong). I'd also like to get back into leadership-type coaching - though I need to call it something different because I don't want it to be about leadership-anything. I'm more interested in being a resource/sounding board/friend/helper for some pastor friends I know. I have some work to do to work it out, but that's the direction I'm presently aiming.
  5. Since it is Holy Friday, I will close with this reading a friend shared from a hymnal. I resonate with these words (particularly, "Remember us, as one of the criminal community...").

    Blessings, peeps.

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