Friday, May 17, 2024

Five things friday

I started the day off with a "not terrible" 11-mile run in fairly humid weather, then lunch with my group of Y friends. Here's a few tidbits of info, a Prayer of Examen service I want to look into further, a super insightful quote regarding ethics/children, and some advice I hope to follow from now on (but probably won't)...

  1. High-end fitness chain Equinox launches $40,000-per-year membership. Do you think you could get your money's worth?
  2. New York City has more millionaires than any city in the world, with one in every 24 residents, or nearly 350,000 people, being millionaires. I am not one of them.
  3. Practicing the Way: with the Prayer of Examen -  a service
  4. From Scot McKnight's substack discussing Shai Held's Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life book (and the chapter 'Love Begins in the Home'): "In loving children we are to learn to love each child in that child’s uniqueness. That is, “ethics is about responding not to human beings in general but to human beings in particular – and in all their particularity.” Thus, “What is required of parents is not perfection but attention, a willingness to learn and relearn, repeatedly – what each child individually needs, and needs from us."
  5. Advice Warren Buffet received from his friend Tom Murphy: "You can always tell someone to go to hell tomorrow." (Wished I'd heeded that a little earlier in life)


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