Thursday, May 16, 2024

Wedding anniversary 41

We celebrated wedding anniversary #41 the other night. Whew... what a ride.

It was a typical day. We both got out of bed around 5am-ish, and somehow had cards from each other in front of the coffee pot. Jane had an early work meeting, and I left at the same time to pump iron (that may be the first time I've ever actually used that phrase in my whole life)...

We had dinner reservations on the north side of town at Cork 'N Cleaver. Oh my! We each had the 7oz melt-in-your-mouth Filet Mignon (with garlic butter topping), potato, salad bar and split a bottle of Cabernet. Then we shared the Mud Pie dessert. Maaaaaaybe I've had a better steak... but maybe not too. That's also my favorite dessert. It was a fantabulous meal. I don't know why we don't celebrate more special occasions there (well, maybe the $175 bill has something to do with it). I was feeling extra grateful so we tipped the waitress $41 in honor of our 41st.

From there we dashed back downtown to see Andy Squyres, who was performing at the Trinity Episcopal Church. Unfortunately we walked in after he'd already started, but it was in a small chapel and we were able to slide into a couple seats in the back. I was surprised there weren't more people there but I don't think it was overly well-advertised. Still, of the 20 people there, exactly half were from our church (who only announced it this past Sunday). It was absolutely worth it, though, and the intimacy of the setting and crowd was almost perfect. I was honestly not aware of him until Sunday but his writing and performance are top notch! I had tears in my eyes from the get-go. It just cuts straight through. Our lead pastor was there and I believe they set something up for Andy to play at our church later this summer. I can't wait. At the end of the show we got our pic with him (his 30th wedding anniversary was the next day), and I bought his book. Still feeling generous I just gave him all the cash I had in my wallet (maybe $60 or so). It was worth every penny and more to top off our celebration.

We did stop off at the Club Room on the way home for a nightcap. Oddly enough they seemed to be closing at like 9pm. What a weird place. 

So... that's a glimpse at the celebration for our marriage to this point. It probably fits fairly well with life itself for us: Some pretty simple-yet-spectacular moments interspersed among otherwise normal mundanity. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

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