Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ablation followup doctor visit - 3 months

This past Monday I had my three-month follow-up visit with the Electrophysiology doctor following ablation #1 on March 5, 2024. We met again NP Matt C. (Dr. Rodriguez is who actually did the ablation).

My blood pressure was a bit high (148/90), as was my weight (158), but my EKG was normal/fine. I'm thinking the bp was up not only because I was nervous, but I also have another case of poison ivy and that makes me plenty tense. The doctor wasn't concerned, plus I check it several times a week at home and keep pretty good tabs on it.

I informed him my last random/wacky heart rate situation was on June 15 - for about 3 hours - and prior to that I'd had one on May 21 for about an hour. Both resolved on their own, and I was otherwise feeling fine. I don't seem to be near as tired as I was there for awhile either.

He said it's hard to tell if those episodes were actually AFib or not, and not to be too concerned about it. He suggested maybe staying on the Eliquis and Diltiozin for another 6 months and then coming in to see Dr. Rodriguez. If things are going well at that point I can maybe go off the blood thinner (Eliquis). That's the goal right now.

The entire visit lasted about 30 minutes.

So, it was pretty uneventful. I was honestly okay with staying on the blood thinner a little longer. If I hadn't had the episode on 6/15 it may have been different, but it hasn't really caused me any problems and I'd just as soon be safe than sorry. 

Maybe the weirdest thing is that six months from now will be Christmas! Geezaroo. Apparently time flies even when you're not having fun. At any rate, I'm thankful to be feeling as good as I do.

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