Thursday, June 27, 2024

I got a job (sort of)

I agreed to become the cleaning person at the Baker Street Centre yesterday. It will only be a few hours a month, and roughly four hours following concerts and other events like that. Nothing too spectacular, but it's something. I can vacuum and clean toilets. I still won't get paid for bartending (other than tips) and set-up and tear-down for concerts though. Whatever.

I actually started today by pulling weeds for an hour by the front door. It looks really hideous - which bothers me - and there's an event for the local public radio station tonight (which I will be bartending for). Of course I hurt my back trying to yank a sappling out of the ground. Hopefully it will go away.

I'd be okay with a few cleaning/janitorial gigs like this. Especially when I can basically set my own hours and am not punching a time clock or anything. Now if I can just keep myself from getting to intense about it...

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