Friday, June 28, 2024

Five things friday

I just about didn't make it. The day has been a doozy.

  1. Remember me saying that I hurt my back pulling weeds yesterday? Yeah, I guess it's a little worse than I thought. Ugh. I am not moving too quickly.
  2. I was able to bartend last night for an event with the local NPR station. It was pretty low-key and I knew several people in attendance. It was fun.
  3. Today I had a lunch date with a group from the Y. There's about a dozen of us and we all got to be friends when I worked there and they all came to work out. I am the youngest, but I always enjoy getting together with them and listening to their stories. They're all way more outgoing than I am.
  4. I am supposed to start my next 18-week marathon training session on Monday. I'm shooting for a November 2 marathon - which will be my 62nd birthday. At this point it's not looking good as I can barely walk. Hopefully the back can get back to normal over the weekend.
  5. This was part of the closing prayer in the June 27 entry in the devotional 'Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals': "Help us to live with such certainty in your power that we expect miracles in our daily lives. Amen." And amen!

Okay, I'ma gonna hobble back to the couch now...

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