Friday, July 05, 2024

Five things friday

Whew... and the day after the 4th of July. How late were people making things go 'boom' where you live?

  1. We survived the high-holy 'merican holiday - so far. I got up and ran 3+1 miles yesterday morning, then we had brunch at a breakfast place. In the afternoon we kind of lazed around, then went to the minor league baseball game and stayed until the city fireworks last night. The game was actually pretty fun, as Drew Carrie were there and we hung out with them. The fireworks, not so much. There was such a delay between each one, and it was so quiet. I guess we're spoiled by the baseball team having them after each home game (and they do a great job). It was crazy driving home, though, as people were setting off fireworks all over town and it looked like Los Angeles smog from 1970.
  2. I didn't sleep for crap last night though. I'm not sure what time we got home - maybe 10:30 or so - but I wasn't super tired. Finally I went in and tossed and turned in bed. Eventually I moved out to the couch... and still just could not fall asleep. I'm not sure if I got any actual sleep, but at least I was resting.
  3. And... remember that cleaning job I took last week? Yeah, I decided against it. In the first week they already screwed me over, so before ever filling out the W9 I just gave my keys back. I think I'd logged 3 hours of work. It's not worth it. They're just not nice people. We will still volunteer there for concerts (I guess), but this was going to complicate things.
  4. On a more positive note... I finished my first book on the new kindle. Actually, I re-read Henri Nouwen's 'Turn My Mourning Into Dancing: Finding Hope In Hard Times.' It's a nice and short 103 pages. When I started it I'm not sure I realized I'd already read it. I was quickly reminded by the highlighted sections. Can't say I'm a big fan of this reader - especially compared to actual books. I probably should have spent the extra money and gotten the nicer one too. Oh well. It works.
  5. For the quote today I have an extended piece from Mike Woodruff's TFU. It fit well with the Nouwen book, and I hope to remember to include it in my Death Notes piece. Here it is: "I have a friend “on death’s door.” He is past “ready to go” – anxious to leave this broken world of sin, heartache, and cancer and move more fully into God’s presence. Make no mistake: heaven is not an ethereal, mystical, vaporous never-never land. It is a real place. Indeed, it’s more real than Chicago, Nepal, or Peoria, in part because those places are unlikely to be around in 1,000 years, but heaven will be. My friend is not leaving the land of the living for the land of the dying. He’s doing the exact opposite."
 Alrighty... I've got stuff to do outside before the raindrops come. Enjoy!

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