Friday, July 26, 2024

Five things friday

I had to check my pill dispenser to make sure today was Friday. I guess that's one benefit of being an old man who has to have a daily pill dispenser.

  1. Before I put it off any longer... I have a leaky faucet in my tub/shower. I've replaced parts before, and at one point even bought new innards. I have some videos I need to re-watch before I dive in, so I'm going to post them here today as a step closer to actually doing the job! It probably won't take 20 minutes, as long as everything goes okay. It's the thought of things not going okay that's causing the procrastination. I like messing with plumbing about as much as I like going to the dentist (which reminds me...). Anyway, here are the posts and videos: POST 1; POST 2; POST 3.
  2. Wednesday night we went to the Clyde Theatre down the street and saw the Warren Haynes Band. Whewee... it was a sizzlin' show! Warren doesn't talk much, and doesn't even have a lot of lyrics, but they assaulted our senses with blistering blues rock for three hours (with a short intermission). It was phenomenal. We'd seen Warren with Gov't Mule, and during the covid craziness I watched a lot of his videos late at night. I'm especially fond of when Dave Matthews has him play on their take of Cortez the Killer (one of my favorite songs). It was a fun night.
  3. I have started reading Brian McLaren's 'Finding Our Way Again: The Return of the Ancient Practices.' It is the first book in the Ancient Practices Series, loosely based on Jeremiah 6:16: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." I swear one of the first McLaren books I read, while I was still in seminary, was later republished as this book, but I'm too lazy to look for it and can't find any documentation. Anyway, even as an old book (2008), on the one hand it's kind of nice reminiscing a lot of the names of people influential in my faith journey at that time (Willard, Peterson, Foster, Tickle, Jones, Pagitt, Campolo, Wallis, etc.), and also I think it's just good stuff. I'm looking forward to it.
  4. Btw, I'm sure you've been missing my insights on politics... Ha! Actually, I'm feeling fairly "whatever" about it. Not that I am disinterested, because I do happen to live in this world, but I've been trying to keep my head a little clearer about things. There is so much wrong - on both sides of the American political aisle (if there even are sides) - that I often wonder if we aren't just rearranging deck chairs regardless of who's in the white house. No one is going to "save us" in that position. No party either. As the meme goes, "Don't follow the donkey or the elephant, but the Lamb." I will say this, though, as much as I would not have seen Harris as a viable candidate even not that long ago, I do see her as a breath of fresh air. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? and why not her? Anyway...
  5. The prayer from my morning devotions (Common Prayer: ALFOR): "Lord, thank you for using the foolish to confound the wise and the weak ones to shame the strong. Help us live with the shrewdness of serpents and the innocence of doves. Keep our feet from fatigue, our spirits from despair, and our hands from failing to rise in praise to you. Amen."


Rock on... and peace out (and in)!

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