Monday, July 29, 2024

One new tire

I kind of feel like I had my "belle" rung.

Both of our cars have had one tire that keeps slowly losing air for... I dunno, maybe a year or so. Every couple few weeks the tire light will come on, and a few days later I will fill it with air from the 20-25psi it's down to, put to the 35psi it's supposed to be at. It hasn't been a big deal, but I finally decided I should at least have the one on Jane's car looked at.

The last set of tires on each vehicle are from Belle Tire. I suppose I got a deal, plus you can set it all up online. Supposedly then you have free tire repair, rotation, and whatnot for life.

I finally got up the nerve to call last week to see about getting the tire fixed and rotating the tires. As soon as I got there last Thursday I started recalling events from previous visits. Oh yeah... (after looking back in my archives I forgot just how much of a hassle it ended up being once at the store on Illinois Rd).

As I'm waiting I hear the slick willy sales staff tell a couple others, "Yeah, unfortunately that nail is too close to the sidewall and we can't fix your tire. You'll have to get a new one." I was already feeling skeptical when it came my turn, but what was I gonna do?

What's worse is they didn't have my tire in stock and they would have to order it. They could swap it out Monday. Supposedly they would get the tire in, change it, and have it all ready for me when I arrived.

I left with a sinking suspicion. It was no better when I got there today to have them put the new tire on.

Anyway, long story short (and why the hell was this a long story???), once they got it changed, informed me it needed an alignment, did that, and sent me on my way $300 poorer... I happened to check the trunk before I left the store. Sure enough, their tire jockey had not put my spare away correctly! So I re-finagled the donut and jack and stuff the way it was supposed to be. I thought about going in and saying something but... why? What good would it do? Who would care?

So, we have one new tire on the Honda Accord to match the other three that I bought a mere two years ago (June 2022). Supposedly it's in perfect alignment now too. Who knows.

If I do anything with the tire on my car I will likely just go to our regular garage and pay them to fix it. Even if I can't trust them 100%, I trust them more than Belle. Maybe I'm just cynical, but listening to their sales staff for a couple hours did not endear me to their business model. 

But, that's me. I hate doing stuff like this...

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