Tuesday, July 30, 2024


I'm so stupid, I used to think Alabama Shakes was a country band. Then one day I discovered they are who wrote that song "Hold On." I love that song! (click on the link to the video after reading this and enjoy! I'm sure you know it.)

Anyway, that has nothing to do with today's post... other than I hear Brittany Howard screaming "WAIT!!!" every time I think of the principle of 'wait'-ing.

Jane was telling me about hearing someone talk about this on a podcast one day. I believe it was in reference to trying to get their child to interact with them (maybe?). Every time they're tempted to interrupt, they remind themselves of the acronym W.A.I.T. It stands for:


Of course you know there are times we all need to talk. However, there a likely more times we need to, um, shut up and listen!

I recall when I was in a coaching training session once it was suggested that I get a 9-volt battery and set it on my desk every time I am coaching a client. When I am tempted to talk, or interrupt, I was to touch it to my tongue and shock myself. :) I never actually had to put an actual battery on my desk, because the visualization was enough of a reminder (usually). 

Reminding myself to W.A.I.T. (ask "why am I talking?") is another good tool as I attempt to interact with you humanoids. Again, sometimes there are good reason to talk. But there are also plenty of times when we would be better off listening.

Okay, go listen to the song now!

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