Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The wallet

I found a wallet yesterday. It had $300 cash, cards, drivers license, social security card, and all the other usual stuff. 

We were out for our 6am jog and it was just laying there plain as day along the greenway path entering Tillmon Park. I'm not sure how we missed it when we went by the first time, but we noticed it on the way back. At first I wasn't sure whether to pick it up or just leave it there ("should we get involved?"). Jane suggested we take it and call the person. So I carried it the 1 1/2 miles home.

So... you know... what would you do? I mean, that kind of money doesn't just appear very often. I could use it! I could at least toss the rest of the contents in the river so no one could steal the guys' identity.

Those were the first thoughts - or maybe the most dominant - to occupy my mind.

As quickly as I could, though, I tried to recall 'the golden rule' - "Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you" (Matt. 7:12) - and keep it there. I wanted to silence the voices as best I could.

Once home, I googled the guy online but couldn't find a phone number, so I waited until around 9:30am and just drove to the address on the drivers license.

Before I even got to the door a gray-haired wire thin woman came out. I asked if "Tom" was there, and she immediately went into how "he was out on his bike because he lost his wallet and he's just beside himself trying to find it" - like I knew him or something. So I pulled the wallet out and handed it to her. I honestly wasn't sure what she was going to do next...

She took the wallet and ran into the house mumbling something. Was she getting a gun or what?!? I kind of started backing away towards my car. Finally she came out again, talking on the phone. She was telling her husband she had his wallet, then motions me to come back. She wanted my name and phone number. I was in my car by this time and I told her to just tell him that Jesus found it - but I don't know if she even heard me. She was so excited I was afraid she was going to have a heart attack.

So I drove away. Maybe it would have been kinder to have given my name so they could properly thank me or something. I'm guessing it completely slipped her mind at the time and later they'll wish they had. Although I did hear her say "God bless you" as I was halfway down the street. Anyway, I felt satisfied and drove home with one of those smiles you get on those days when you really do think God is good and life might not suck after all. 

And, please understand, I share this not to brag... because it was very tempting to do the wrong thing, or even just keep the cash and try to justify ditching the wallet as the right thing... But I didn't. I actually did the right thing. THAT is why I share this little escapade. Because if I, even I, can do the right thing, then so can you!

In a world full of piss-ant politics, me-first mindsets, out-for-number-one numbskullness, and every other sort of evil that's taken over society... WE can still do what's right and good and true and kind. We can!! You and me. It doesn't have to depend on Washington or the Supremes or Big Tech or anybody. Just us. 

Justice... from just us. Let's do that. Who's in?

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