Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Whether or not to become vested

You might think this has something to do with my interest. Nope. Nada. It doesn't.

I seem to be suddenly uninterested in just about everything for some reason. Hopefully it will pass quickly, and isn't contagious. 

I'm actually trying to decide if I should start using a hydration running vest or not.

I don't really want to. However, this is my dilemma: 

  1. Dealing with AFib I need to be much more mindful of hydration.
  2. I have access to water fountains - in the summer - but not year-round.
  3. I've carried a hand-held water bottle for years, but, again, since the AFib, I've switched to a larger size (21 oz.).
  4. I've finally determined that my left elbow pain this spring/summer is due to carrying this bigger water bottle when I run.
  5. I try to carry it in my right hand but... it's just too awkward. It feels weird, and strangely enough just throws me off.
  6. I've also grown fond of using Tailwind for nutrition (hydration & electrolytes), which requires mixing with water (rather than gel or chew).

So, here we are. It just makes sense to get a vest with a 1.5-2.0 liter bladder and wear it on my back. That should be sufficient for any long runs I do up to a marathon. Plus, even the most minimalist vest would allow me to carry my phone with me (which would probably make a few people happier when I'm out for hours and hours on end).

My main concerns are:

  • I'm worried about chaffing from the vest
  • I'm not a fan of sucking through a straw
  • I can't decide whether to go cheap and spend $25 at Walmart to see how it goes, or just dive in and get the least expensive (and sufficient) Nathan vest for $70.

There ya have it. And I guess I was wrong. I AM interested in this at the moment. I'd rather not be, but, you know... life can be hard like that. I guess.

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