Tuesday, September 24, 2024

I got nothin'

So it's been a couple weeks since I last posted anything...

I don't know what to tell ya. It happens, I guess. I just haven't felt like writing. Or sitting at the computer. Or... there are probably other reasons if I felt like thinking about it for a minute. But I don't. 

Anyway, here's a bit of a catch-up so's I'll have a record of stuff should I ever need to look it up. Plus, you know, it's some of what I've been doing/thinking...

  1. I lost about a week from being sick. I think it was allergy related, since I had to suddenly stop taking my allergy meds, and fall has always been a nasty time for me. Stuffy head, runny nose, cough, lack of energy, feeling like crap. I lay around for a couple days and didn't do much at all except read Michael Wear's book 'The Spirit of Our Politics.' I'm feeling some better now, though, I suppose it's also possible maybe I had covid, but I didn't even think to take a covid test.
  2. Because of #1 I started taking allergy medicine again. I know some doctor - whose name I don't even know and I only talked to her once - told me to stop taking it. Whatever. I've been taking a generic Zertec once a day and shooting Flonase up my nose for maybe a week and a half. The Zertec does dry me out, but I'm still battling the cough and a bit of congestion.
  3. Running was a challenge there for a bit. A couple weeks ago I walked half my Wednesday 8 miles and the other half was at like an 11-minute pace, then I skipped the Thursday 5 miles entirely. That Saturday (maybe the 14th) I attempted 18 miles and it was the worst run I've had in a few years. It took me like 3 hours and 45 minutes, with a lot of walking. I seem to be getting back closer to where I was now, though my motivation hasn't quite returned.
  4. Speaking of the 14th... I guess we went camping that night. Our church had a campout at Pokegon State Park and we slept in the tent Saturday night to Sunday. Drew and the kids camped next to us (Carrie was there too but didn't sleep there). It was fun except...
  5. I had my first AFib episode in almost two months that Saturday after the run and through the rest of Saturday night. I woke up around 6am Sunday and was back in rhythm. I am attributing it to being sick and trying to run 18 miles.
  6. We went back to Buda this past weekend. I did some chores for my mom and Jane visited her brother (and also had to go buy him a new TV). I picked up about 20 buckets full of walnuts, trimmed about that many bushes, picked up sticks, and cleaned up along the side of the garage. I was about beat. We went to Reds in Sheffield for supper one night and I hope to never have to return to that place again for the rest of my life! All in all it was a nice trip though, and we came home the "long" way and it was a super chill event-free drive.
  7. I mowed the lawn at home yesterday for the first time in (I think) six weeks! It's been completely brown-mostly-dead for so long. We finally got a little rain on the weekend and it greened up around the edges a bit. The crazy thing is how many leaves there already are! It was still a bit damp when I mowed yesterday so I will likely do it again later this week or next week when it's dryer so I can mulch the leaves a bit more.
  8. I am currently reading 'How to Have an Enemy' by Melissa Florer-Bixler and, I have to say, it's been a bit of a challenge for me. It's been awhile since I've struggled this much with a book. I'm not entirely sure yet if I just don't get it, if it's not written that well, or if it's something else. I can't say I disagree so much - though some things have really challenged my thinking - but I keep hoping it will all start to make sense here soon.
  9. I love the fall season, but I always forget how much it throws me for a loop. My whole body, spirit, mind seem out of sync... and it seems to be like this just about every year. I don't know what it is.
  10. Caleb's football and Anna's volleyball seasons are coming to a close, and soon it will be basketball (for all three grandkids). I guess we will also soon be having a fourth join the world! Crazy.
  11. For those keeping score... I turned down the elder nomination at church, and have turned down a Christmas speaking engagement elsewhere. Both needed a commitment soon and I just didn't feel up to either one at the moment. I'm probably stupid. Well, that goes without saying... 

Okay, my brain is getting weary. Welcome back, and so long.

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