Friday, October 04, 2024

Five things friday

Sometimes weeks just fly by and it's hard to believe it can Friday already... and October!

  1. There are many days where I don't interact with another human being at all (other than Jane and the cat). Today I've already encountered a bunch. I worked out at the Y and had a nice chat with a retired high school principal who's also sort of a friend. When I worked there he used to come in before we opened and I would let him work out, and he'd already been out walking the downtown streets of Fort Wayne getting ready for his day even before that! He's one of those go-getter types. He said he's been doing substitute teaching since retiring, mostly on Mondays and Fridays, because he knows how difficult it is to find good subs, particularly on those days, and he wants to help out. I like him. He and his wife are both super chill and just kind-hearted down to earth folks.
  2. I felt bad for the person at the pharmacy. I was picking up a prescription and didn't realize they weren't open yet. There was already a line though, so I took my place. When the cage opened there was a young girl standing there already looking overwhelmed at 9am on a Friday morning. And the first person got all huffy with her and stormed away after saying some nasties. Just a glance and I could tell the poor girl wanted to crawl in the corner and cry - at the very beginning of her day!! Personally, I've been on both ends of those encounters. When it was my turn I tried to put on a relaxed smile and showed her the receipt on my phone (they always seem to appreciate it when I've already paid and everything online and just show them a bar code they can scan). I tried to make small talk but she wasn't in the mood. She did finally mention she was doing three people's jobs and it was going to be a long day. Yeah, and they just opened, and it's Friday? Ugh. 
  3. Immediately after that, as I'm driving home, I was stopped at a fairly major intersection. When the light turned green for me TWO cars continued through on a total red light crossing in front. The second of these vehicles was a white-haired old man driving a near-new looking four-door pickup truck with handicap plates (I can't even imagine what those cost: $70-80,000?)... and he gives ME the finger! I just put my hands up as I sat there with my mouth open. Like, what? All sorts of things went through my mind, and it finally dawned on me just how judgmental I am. I imagined this guy was probably a trump supporter, drawing a huge pension, doesn't tip servers, and says things like, "kids these days." I mean, honestly, yeah, I still think that. And that's my problem. Not that he doesn't have any of his own, but I need to admit mine. Ugh. Seems we've got a lot of work to do as a society...
  4. I don't think I've ever read a book and then began reading it again right after I got done. I'm doing that now with Melissa Florer-Bixler's 'How To Have An Enemy: Righteous Anger and The Work of Peace.' I may have mentioned before that it's been a challenging book for me. She uses big words and it's a pretty deep subject matter. When I read it the first time it was like, "I think I get it, but I'm not quite sure." It's like I'd missed a key point at the beginning or something. As I started it again it began to make much more sense. Not that I understand it fully yet, but simply learning that "enemies" isn't a relational/personal thing, and that we're ALL part of the problem (and solution) has been big. She is speaking at our church later this month, and it should be interesting...
  5. "Do not hurry as you walk with grief; it does not help the journey. Walk slowly, pausing often: do not hurry as you walk with grief. Be not disturbed by memories that come unbidden. Swiftly forgive; and let Christ speak for you unspoken words. Unfinished conversation will be resolved in him. Be not disturbed. Be gentle with the one who walks with grief. If it is you, be gentle with yourself. Swiftly forgive; walk slowly, pausing often. Take time, be gentle as you walk with grief." -- Andy Raine of the Northumbria Community (it might be helpful to take a deep breath, and read that through again...)

Alrighty, I've got a concert to set up for this afternoon; I'm bartending again for the show tomorrow; only one more 'long' run before the marathon that is now less than a month away; this past Wednesday was my last midweek 8-miler (and why are these 8-milers like the best?); and the grass is green again - even on this side of the fence! Be careful out there, even if you're not safe!

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