Thursday, October 10, 2024

For the wynn

Meet our newest grandson: Wynn Everett. Isn't he swell?! His mama looks pretty pretty too!

We were notified yesterday morning that contractions had started (apparently about 3am). It was around 6pm when we got a text that the pushing had begun. He was then born just after 9pm last night. He weighed 6 lbs, 7 oz., and is 20 inches long. 

They were using a doula and intended for everything to take place at a birthing center. It is located right next to the hospital, and at some point they moved to the hospital - apparently so they could do some additional monitoring of some sort - and that's where the birth took place. As you can perhaps guess, we have only texted with the son up to this point and don't know a lot of details. We hope to speak by phone this afternoon.

Anyway, as far as we know, everyone is doing fine. Ricci's mom is there to help, and we hope to make a quick trip to Minneapolis at some point too.

We are pretty happy and can't wait to meet Wynn, our fourth grandchild, and third grandson. He looks awesome!

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