Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Infinitely better than zero

Not a lot to say today, but I do want to keep this advice from James Clear's 10/10/24 newsletter in mind. I think it is helpful. 

Sometimes we can get overwhelmed by all there is to do. So this is good to keep in mind...

"Two is twice as good as one, but one is infinitely better than zero.

  • One minute of making sales calls is infinitely better than zero minutes.
  • One minute of meditation is infinitely better than zero minutes.
  • One minute of writing is infinitely better than zero minutes.

Sure, it might be ideal to spend an hour doing these things, but one minute gets you in the game. Now you're learning. Now you're improving. Now results are possible. One doesn't seem like much, but it's something real. At zero, you're still dreaming."

 [Yes, that's a picture of my new grandson]

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