Friday, January 31, 2025

Five things friday

Dang, two weeks in a row I'm having to rush through this. May as well just dive in...

  1. I finally got around to getting my annual blood test this morning. Had my results in a couple hours (one of those things technology actually has improved). I only had three numbers outside the reference range: Triglicerides @ 163 (supposed to be between 10-149; although, looking back thru my history it has been much higher, and the upper range used to go to 200, so I'll take it); Sodium @133 (supposed to be between 136-145); and Glucose @ 106 (supposed to be between 70-99; although mine has always been between 100-107). Overall I was pretty happy with the results, and I my total cholesterol was 166 - which is low for me so the Rosuvastatin must be working. :)
  2. Fortunately my "long run" this week was only 9 miles. Because it drizzled rain the entire time. Ugh. I debated whether to do it on a treadmill at the Y, but it was a balmy 40°F, so I went out about 10am. It was nice to wear shorts outside a couple days this week. I just don't have a very good rain jacket though. Mine are water "resistant" but not water "proof." They don't put up much resistance. Oh well, it's done. Next week I take a step up in miles with the midweek runs going from 3/6/3 to 4/7/4, and the long run is 14 miles.
  3. I don't think I've mentioned that - remember how Jane and I were reading the bible through this year? - well, we've already made a change. Not that we aren't still reading it through, but we changed from the method of reading some OT, NT, Psalms and Proverbs each day, to doing a Chronological reading. It was just too hard to switch from one to the other and keep track of where we were. I like this Chronological method better. We are using the NCV, and this free pdf from Joni & Friends.
  4. Also, in an attempt to divert my attention from all the political chaos, I picked up my old copy of Mike Yaconelli's 'Messy Spirituality' and started reading it again. It's been good. I know his son came out with some not-nice things about Mike, but I don't think that takes anything away from his message. Such a good, good book - especially for right now. 
  5. "Habits need to be revised from time to time. Which habits have become more important and you need to double down? Which habits are no longer serving you and need to be replaced?" - James Clear
 Alrighty, time to head out the door for an eye doctor appointment now. Woohoo! Next after the blood test and eye appointment is the dentist and... maybe even a haircut! We'll see... ;)

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