Friday, February 28, 2025

Five things friday

Did you think I was going to skip another ftf? Nope... here we go.

  1. So, here's the thing... Last Friday I just "wasn't feeling it." I wasn't depressed, or sick, or mad about anything... I simply didn't feel like saying anything. And, I kinda think, I'm feeling like that more and more. I don't know that I've run out of things to say as much as... I don't really feel much like saying anything.
  2. Here's another thing... My silence/contemplation/prayer/meditation practice seems to be ... I don't know the exact word I'm looking for ... expanding/growing/becoming more fulfilling, or fruitful, or... something. It's a bit hard to pinpoint, and the last thing I think I want to do is try to "figure it out." It's been good, and I don't want to, you know, ruin it or something.
  3. Shoot, I almost already forgot that I ran 17 miles this morning! It took just under 3 hours, averaging a 10:25 pace. This was my last week doing 4/8/4 midweek, and next week I start 5/8/5, and have a long run of 18. Ugh. Then I step back to 13(?), then 19, another step-back, then 20, and THEN I start the taper. So this next few weeks will be the worst. I'm debating whether to cut back on weight training during this time or just keep at it as long as I can...
  4. Oh, and yesterday was me lovely Lady's birthday! I got her a trash can. :) Yep, it's true. :) Though not just any trash can. We've kind of had an internal back-and-forth about our old Rubbermaid kitchen can. She doesn't like how it gets stained inside the lid and whatnot. I've never been too fond of the idea of spending a bundle on something as basic as a garbage can. Anyway, I got one of those stainless steel cans with an insert (only I found one in white!), and then filled it with tea, chocolates, and flowers. She seemed happy enough; so I think I'll keep her. ;)
  5. " runs the cosmos, as pervasive and powerful as gravity and dark matter and the smell of coffee in the morning. Love will teach you to say no to fear and the lust for punishing others." - Matt Tebbe (I love that quote, btw)

Okey doke. We're participating in a mental health retreat put on by our church this weekend. I'm looking forward to it. Also planning to attend a couple of our granddaughter's basketball games. Let the sun shine, friends!!!

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