I've been meaning to make note of this since Monday, and yet, here we are...
We made a quick trip to Minnesota to see the boy's family (and that newest grandson!) last weekend. A good summation of this visit: I took my shoes off when we arrived Friday at noon, and didn't put them back on until we left Sunday evening. It was that relaxing and splendid. :)
Once again we made use of the super-convenient Delta direct flight between our airport and theirs. Interestingly enough, it takes roughly 90 minutes flying from FWA to MSP in the morning, but only 60 minutes coming back at night. I wonder if the difference is air traffic around Chicago is less at night (at least Sunday night). I dunno, but they were both smooth and uneventful - which is the best kind (especially finding out about the Delta flight out of MSP that crashed the day after we got home!).
We took an Uber from the airport to Isaac's, and it was $50 instead of $20 the last time we flew up there. Maybe it was time of day... or maybe a different president... Again, who knows. Things change. Especially babies!
There is not much else to report about this visit. We tried to hold and snuggle with now-4-month-old Wynn as much as we could. Isaac said he'd been fussy lately, and he maybe was a little bit when we got their Friday, but it didn't last. Saturday and Sunday he seemed to be mostly sleeping, smiling, and starting to learn to giggle! Oh, and he can rip pretty good farts too!!
We ordered pizza Friday night, Isaac made us breakfast Saturday morning, had Asian take-out Saturday night, and otherwise just ate leftovers.
Perhaps the highlight of the trip was Saturday and Sunday afternoon when we finally convinced I & R to go out while we stayed home with the boy and the dogs. And they actually did! I think they mostly just ran some errands, but they seemed happy to spend a couple hours each day just the two of them again.
It snowed most of Friday night and Saturday, and they maybe got 4" on top of what was already there. It was also pretty chilly (maybe 5°F), though it was supposed to be down to -11 when we left.
Saying goodbye was a bit hard this time - not just to them and Wynn, but this was also probably the last time we will see their old dog, Crosby. We've thought that before, but the vet has confirmed it's likely a matter of months now for the 15 year-old boy. They've had him since college, and I know it will be hard for them.
So, now we are back home. I do have to say, it makes me sad to be so far away. Even thought we don't see our daughter and her family ALL THE TIME... still... they're right here, and we can when we want. It's difficult to think about Wynn growing up and changing so much between each time we see him. But, I know, such is life.
I feel we've been fortunate to have seen the new baby three times in his first four months. Not sure how long we can keep that pace up financially, or how much longer they'll even be in Minnesota, but we'll try to enjoy it while we can.
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