Friday, December 09, 2005

Optimism is a revolutionary act

I just read a thing on Cameron Crowe and read that quote: "Optimism is a revolutionary act." THAT IS AWESOME. I wanna be an optimist. (that sounds so strange compared to 'I wanna be an anarchist). Crowe also said, "There’s a lot of cynicism in the world, but you can be an optimist without being a puss about it." Okay, cam, I will try. :)

And this is quite a switch if you happened to read my original blog from yesterday - which I later edited because it was terrible and I used a cuss word and everything.

I got a new book last night: "No Perfect People Allowed." Started reading it because for the second night in a row I couldn't sleep (though I finally did, but I only had 1 1/2 hours the night before). Anyway...

Right from the start John Burke says, "We have deconstructed everything, identified all the problems with the current church, and proclaimed what we knew would not work. We've read statistitians like Barna, Gallup, and Regele warn of the impending doom for our generation and the church in America. What disturbs me is the absence of a path forward. We don't need more deconstruction, more theories, and more statistics; rather, we need tangible evidence that God is still doing what God has always done in every generation, constructing his church out of the most hopeless situation. It's not tearing-down time anymore - it's construction time!"

Isn't that great?! The book sounds really good - even though it's a big one (thick). I like small paperbacks, but sometimes the thick ones are okay.

On another note... I went to a thing for church leaders last night and the leader of it asked me to say a few words about Donald Miller... but then he never gave me an opportunity to talk. It was kind of funny. And probably a good thing, becuase I didn't really know what to say (nothing personal, Don, you're a great guy!). :)

Well, there's a bunch of snow and it's my day off. I need to remember to pick Jane up from work. She's the sexiest pizza maker I know. I also need to remember to ask Bob Eatherton for the dvd's from the Catalyst conference 2005.

That's it for now. Gotta clean house. Peace and Revolution!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sort of had the same brilliant epiphany when I heard that commentary and suddenly I had a phrase to label my world view with and help explain my love of Lloyd Dobler to anyone who isn't female...heh.

Here are a couple of links to groups I started in case you are interested.