Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sundays Off

Yesterday was an AWESOME day!!! I was involved in my first African-American funeral service. The lone black member of my church lost his mother. The funeral was at Wings of Deliverance Church. It was an honor to be a part of it. It lasted 2 HOURS before we even went to the cemetary. Bishop Jimmie Clark preached for an hour himself. It was incredible. Rev. Sparks sang this song that drove me to tears. Undoubtedly the most inspiring funeral I have ever been a part of or attended.

But that's not even the best part of the day. I had a chance to seee my all-time favorite band again last night... Sundays Off. A 3-piece band that will knock your socks off. And they have one of the best guitists I know of too -- Isaac Horwedel. :) Anyway, they hadn't played out in a long, long time, and it was soo good to see them again. They did 2 White Stripes songs, 2 Hendrix songs, and a whole lotta improvisation stuff. The only regret is that they didn't do any of their original music off their first cd. "Watching Words" is one of my favorite songs. I wish they would play out more - like every weekend! :) And to top it off... my lovely daughter was there too!!! What a nice night.

Okay, gotta go shovel snow so people can get to church this morning.

peace and revolution!

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