Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me

Today is my 43rd birthday. I woke up at 4 am and had THE WORST headache I have ever had in my life. It must have been a migraine. It hurt so bad, and it still hurts today, but not quite so bad. I feel like my head is caving in or something, and my eyes are crossed, and I don't know what else. It hurt.

Jane got me a new pair of slippers; a box of chocolate; the new Neil Young cd "Prairie Wind"; and Martin Scorsese's documentary on Bob Dylan "No Direction Home." That was quite a haul. The most I've gotten in awhile. So that part was a good birthday. Tonight we'll probably all four go out to eat somewhere. Not sure where to go though.

Had small group with Tom D. this morning. It used to be five of us pastors, then three, and now we're down to the two of us. I think that is terribly sad that church leaders can't even agree to meet together once a week to talk about spiritual issues. I guess it's probbly my fault though -- I have probably offended everyone else. That's usually how it works, and either no one will tell me I'm being offensive, or they tell me and I don't realize it.

I hate it when you discover that you did something really, really stupid a long time ago... and didn't realize it until just now. I seem to have done that my whole life. Makes me wonder what I'm doing right now that is really, really stupid or offensive???

I don't know what to do today. I need to finish my sermon; get ready for Sunday; establish the order of worship for Sunday. I would like to go get a treadmill at Dick's Sporting Goods. We should have gotten it the other night, but I was being a dick, and so we didn't. I wish my head would quit hurting though. And I feel wierd.

I am tempted to blog on the emerging cggc blogspot, but i am trying to not do it. Seems I blog more than anyone, and no one responds or comments. So I am trying to not do it anymore. Kinda childish, but, you know, that's how it is. I am upset that people can't just get along. I am upset that pastors can't get along.

Tom said this morning that the place his brother works did a study and they believe the church is what is keeping people from a relationshhip with Christ. I don't doubt it. And it's probably pastors more than anyone. God, help us.

I need to do something. later.


dan said...
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Brian said...

Dan, I feel the some way sometimes. Is my church not growing because I'm a real jerk and not realizing it. I know I'm a bit of a pain, but am I hurting people and don't even know?

Robin said...

There are few pastors I know willing to admit they can be a d*ck (lol, I can't even write it, ummm, if you were a female blogger maybe, which is simply cracking me up). Gotta keep reading, you're holding my attention. That transparent thing and the fact you're MY age....