Thursday, January 05, 2006

Other people exist

I was thinking some more about Donald Miller's talk from the Catalyst 2005 dvd. One of his points was that we need to come to the realization that OTHER PEOPLE EXIST. It does sound rather simple... but is quite a profound truth that most of us probably don't acknowledge.

For instance, he used the analogy that most of us think life is like a movie about us. And if I leave the room... then "I" leave the room with me. Meaning there is no longer anything of interest going on there. Which is not true -- because my life is not that interesting!

But really, how often do I think about things from other people's perspective? Not very. I'm usually thinking about what I have to do, where I need to be, and stuff like that.

He told about his friend who, when someone cut him off in traffic, he would point at them and say, "They're more important than me." Or if someone cut in front of him, he would say, "They're more important than me." Woulnd't that be GREAT if we could all do that... instead of getting mad, or vowing to get even, or flipping people off, or yelling, or getting depressed even. The Bible tells us we're to consider others as more important than us, right? So do we?

Man, I want to read 'Blue Like Jazz' and 'Searching For God Knows What' again; and read the 'Painted Desserts' one for the first time. And I see his new book is out now too.

Actually, I want to be like Jesus. And I think the things Don talks about are really what Jesus is like.

peace revolution. go.

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