Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Emerging As A Value...

I want to thank all of the fine 'emerging' folks who offered wisdom, encouragement and insights to me lately. I just checked out Will Samson's article Emerging As A Value, and I have to say... very well put. Here is a blurb:
As I consider the word emerging, I am much more comfortable with it as a value than I am with it as a movement. Now I know how these things get named. Truth is that unlike the Reformation the name “emerging” didn’t come about in quite the same organic manner. Someone somewhere came up with it as a branding exercise. But I happen to think that they got this one very right.

The article is a couple of years old, but still very true. Thanks, Will. Yes, I like the idea of emerging as a value more than a movement (but that's just my op.).

Also, a note to my good friends at the emergingcggc blog... My post on the emerging church has nothing to do with that blog. I think we are having some of the finest discussions we have ever had right now. I just don't feel there is anything I can add to it. So... keep it up!

Peace. Revolution(ate)


Anonymous said...

That is a great way to look at it. Good article. Though, I should tell Will that "emerging" was, in fact, NOT the product of a branding exercise, but from the emergence theory. Now, Emergent Village decided to brand it. Hmmm, another example of one being equated with other?


dan said...

I don't know about the "branding exercise." And, this is weird, but, I've always thought of the confusion over "emerging" and "Emergent (Village)" as being similar to the Sienfeld episode where George pee's in the shower and says, "It's all pipes!" :) They might all be pipes, but they're not the same. Hmm... there might even be a sermon there... Nah.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Nicely said indeed!

Brian said...

I prefer it as a value. Good stuff.