Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Comment "issues" since switching to Beta

Let me just re-phrase this post and say that since switching to Blogger Beta I have had trouble leaving comments on non-Beta blogs, and I have talked to several people who have had trouble leaving comments on my blog. I don't know why, and I guess it is true that you get what you pay for. I do appreciate Blogger, even Beta, for their free thing here; but, you know, I wish it didn't have the glitches. I have a dream for a day when bloggers can freely leave comments wherever they wish; I have a dream for...

Ahhh. Peace, friends. Back to the revolution.


MR said...

Near as I can tell, Beta Blogger (not to be confused with Beta BLOCKERS) uses your entire e-mail address as your username. You might want to try, if you haven't already, signing on with whatever e-mail address you provided your Google account i.e. masterpastor@thunderdome.com. IF that doesn't work, look for a button that says you want to user an OTHER login and I think it will specifically give you the optiont to sign-on with your Google account. Of course, if you've already typed a comment, I recommend the old COPY and PASTE because I've seen it throw it away without any warning in favor of taking you to the Google sign-on page. I posted a rather irrate message about this on someone's blog and they said they had the same problem. So once again painful mergers and acquisitions devalues the product. My blog transfered just fine, but the login thing....................bugs me.

dan said...

Thanks Mike. I did get it to work on Isaac's by using the "other" option, but not the other blog. I may have to get one of them there chainsaws from you and put it to good use if I keep messing with this anymore. I'm taking a break from the ole' BETA BLOCKER.

MR said...

Now I sell chainsaws and snowblowers.

Robin said...

I am SURE you tried to leave a deep and heady comment on one of my recent posts. It better not have been my "fat jeans" post...I could see you reminiscing about your kids on my "time flies" one. r i g h t

Anyway, I know Beta jumpers who posted to mine, always did so under "anonymously" or "other" but also included their name in the comment to make sure I knew who it was. Pain, I know, it's why they all jumped to Typepad...and it's one reason I'm "evaluating" other host venues.

Guess you get what you pay for once again :/. Glad to see you're figuring out some stuff :).

MR said...

Hey Dan, remember that crazy time when we were talkin' about converting to beta and I was like..HA!... I was like... "I did it, and it went really smoothly." Wooo... man, we were nuts weren't we?! Then you were like, "alright shaddup!shaddup! Jethro Tull is on stage!" Wooo... I still have that tie-dye shirt I was wearin' maaaan, Hendrix signed it, it was covered in mud so he signed it on the inside sleeve. That was a trip maaan!

dan said...

Typepad and Wordpress sound rather tempting....... but I hate the thought of having to pay to put words in space. So, yes, I will get what I pay for.

dan said...

Mike, my friend..... I think you've maybe been runnin' that snowblower inside the garage too much. OPEN THE DOOR, MAN! YOU NEED SOME FRESH AIR! :)

Whisky Prajer said...

I don't get it: the comments template I see offers "Anonymous" as a possibility. Your daughter has no access to that?

dan said...

Well, she actually usually does comment "anonymous." I don't know if it has something to do with her using a mac or not. But I also don't get why it offers me the option to leave comments on other people's blogs with either my Blogger account, OR my Google account, and NEITHER one of them work! I'm sure technicians are working on it as I type. (and why it takes several tries for me to comment on my own stinkng blog). But then, what do I know?

MR said...

Ha! Roughly translated, my Woodstock tangent message was: We must have been on drugs to think switching to beta was a good idea.

I write in parables so that my words are subject to interpretation.

dan said...

Hmm, I still think you mighta been runnin' that snowblower in the garage too much. And THAT'S probably why you told me switching to Beta was a good idea!!

I do hear it's supposed to snow today!