I really need to go through my mail pile sometime too. You can see it on the top shelf of the thing to the right of the window. Of course I open anything that looks like a bill, or looks like it might be fun. But it's been awhile since I looked at some of this stuff. Which usually makes it easier to decide what to do with it - especially if it's out-dated by the time I look at it.
Well there's that "Blue Like Jazz" book you've been going on about. And I see you've got your Goal in life posted on the wall. I can only make out... "My Goal in Life is to help people find God..." and maybe "...and keep him." Is that right? Can I buy a vowel?
Just promise me that you'll "leave" me that 1963 orange chair when you next update your Will.
Hey, I LIKE that chair (but I might sell it for the right price).
It took me awhile to even find where you read "my goal in life..." "My goal in life is to help people love God and to know Jesus." I think I read this somewhere, and liked it.
I've got way too much stuff taped and thumbtacked to my walls and boards - and most of it has been there for years. Just something else I need to clean up someday.
Oh, and thanks for the heads up about the phone number. Scott might not like that. Oops.
Out of curiosity, I called Scott and he answered "How many kilos?" So I hung up. :)
But if you wanted to save the pic, you could just take it into Paint and blur that area, just like they do on Cops.
"Officer, I'm just a shirtless American tryin' ta... tryin'... ta... WHAT WAS I SAYIN'?! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN' AT?! I think what I'm trying to say is that my cousin did it."
I'm seriously going to try that the next time I get pulled over for speeding. As soon as he gets to the window I'm going to say "my cousin did it." It's even money he'll think it's funny and let me go with a warning.
Surely cops don't watch those cop shows... do they?
Is it me, or is this blog entry getting... smaller?
Looks like this might be the book for you (there's also a picture of Einstein's catastrophe of an office, but I can't seem to find it).
I'm not having any problems posting comments, BTW.
Hey Darrell,
Thanks for the heads-up on the book. Looks like what I need. I like it when people extol virtues (or issues) that I am struggling with. :)
I have been wondering if the comments problem is maybe tied to me having switched my blog to Beta, but my template is still an old one (Lily is likewise). I'm hoping to update my template tomorrow maybe.
Thanks for letting me know.
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