Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Church every night

I don't remember where I saw the link for this church, but it is a pretty cool idea. 7 @ 7 is seven nights of worship at 7 pm each night. I believe they have a different type of service, and a different pastor, each night. Check it out HERE.


Chris Monroe said...

7@7 ?? Man, Dan! I'm still trying to get some folks to go for 1@1 !!


Hope you're doing well. Blessings,

dan said...

Hi Chris,
Good to hear from you again. I thought maybe you dropped off the face o' the earth. Yeah, I hear you about the 1@1. But I know you know that's not what this is about.

For those that don't... sorry, I didn't explain this very well. It's all about options & variety, and prime utilization of space. Rather than building a bigger building, they went with the option of more services you could choose from. And, like I said, each service has its own host pastor, and a little different flavor. So you wouldn't likely attend more than once a week, but would find the one that best fits your schedule and where you fit in the best (for lack of a better term).

Anyway, thanks for dropping by, Chris.
Peace & blessings.