I'm just not sure what to say anymore. And probably shouldn't say a lot of what I want to. So let me tell you about my day yesterday. I got a haircut. I have always dreaded getting haircuts - all my life. It's like going to the doctor or dentist. I don't know why. It's not that I really even care what it looks like, but maybe something about being held captive under a cape in a funky chair for 30-45 minutes; having to pay attention; and wanting to go to sleep. Plus I have always wanted long hair. But yesterday I went to a new person, because I didn't feel like a counseling session with my usual hair-cutter; so I went where the rest of my family goes (and really likes). And it was actually interesting. She is this gorgeously beautiful woman, but she talked about the coolest things. I got a history lesson on
Oxford, Mississippi; heard tales of concerts; and she has actually traveled to see Elvis Costello. So that was good. And my haircut turned out better than the last one (I think). She also seemed genuinely excited to come to our concert on 7/27.
After that Jane and I traveled around FW putting up fliers at anyplace we could think of - music stores, guitar shops, libraries, coffee houses, etc. That was pretty fun too - other than the people that were jerks about it. I went into this one store that sells musical supplies and the guy says, "Apparently you're not a customer here, or you would know we don't post fliers." I said, "Well, actually I HAVE been a customer here." And under my breath as I was leaving I muttered that I WON'T BE anymore. Too bad, because I had actually been thinking of going there to look for some used sound equipment. But their stuff is all crap anyway.
That's about the extent of it - other than meeting up with Tom for breakfast, doing some office work, visiting an old lady, chatting with the cleaning lady at church, walking the dog, shooting baskets, and... stuff.
Now you know we're all kind of incredulous about how interesting she was outside of her looks.
If she had fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, you'd have been like: "Are you under the impression I'm studying for Jeopardy or something? Does this LOOK like Mississippi to you?! And as for Elvis Costello, come back when you're his sister! That might make it mildly interesting."
We'll just see if she goes beyond programming the concert into her iphone.
[Beautiful people have it too good, they need detractors like me. Oh, and Marilyn Manson.]
Uh... I didn't mean for it to sound like that. She's a very nice person.
But that does bring to mind another reason I don't like getting haircuts - just like with swimming - I have to remove my spectacles, and therefore can't see a dern thing.
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