Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Places for pastoral help

I stumbled onto this CareGivers Forum which lists locations and descriptions of places around the country that offer help to clergy and ministry leaders in the areas of spiritual direction, counseling, or even just plain old R & R. There is a place called the Vitality Care Institute for Personal and Professional Effectiveness in Fort Wayne. I think I might even know this guy. Also The Pastors Institute in Anderson.

Definitely worth keeping on hand, and maybe checking out sometime. Gee, you would think this is something our regional and/or denominational directors might make known. I guess they must have other things to do. The truth is though... I have no idea what that is supposed to be.


MR said...

Well, don't forget your old friend Pastor Darth when you make the reservations at the resort.

Anonymous said...

My boss man does spiritual formation retreats at the Our Lady of the Pines place from time to time. It's a monastary - seems like a cool little get away.

let me know if you're ever interested or know someone who might be.