Thursday, December 19, 2013

We are now greeters at church

Jane and I signed up to be a part of the 'connection center staff' at church this past Sunday. That means we can be Greeters, a Connector, or work the Connection Center desk. We decided we would start out as Greeters - opening the door for people and welcoming them to the Sunday gathering. They scheduled us to start on the last Sunday of this month during the second service.

We can also join the Connection mission community, which meets twice a month on Wednesday nights.

It should be a nice way to get to know some more folks, while also helping us feel like we're a part of the church. I am looking forward to it. I think we get a lanyard and everything!


MR said...

Better make up some 3x5's: "Hi, welcome to church. That's her and this is me. Sit where you please and pray all you want."

Jim L said...

[Dr. Zoidberg voice] "Ooh, a lanyard! What an honor!"

Unknown said...

Make sure to remind them that the collection plate is for "giving" and not "receiving" :-)

Jim L said...


And that you ADD, not SUBTRACT, to make change! :)

dan said...

Oh, you guys... :)