Friday, October 10, 2014

Who am i... (three little words)

In my 502 coaching class we had an exercise where we had to come up with 3 adjectives that described ourselves. After we did that, we then broke up into groups, and 2 other people offered their description of each of us. I thought it was quite interesting.

At first, when thinking about 3 adjectives to describe myself, I came up with 1) moody, 2) difficult, and 3) complicated. I eventually admitted that, while I can often be like that, it wasn't entirely true, nor very helpful. It's much to easy to put ourselves down.

I did recall that one time someone asked Jane to describe me in one word, and she chose the word "intense." I was totally blown away by that, because I had never thought of myself as a very intense person. But after thinking about it, I have since come to realize how right she was.

So, the 3 adjectives I came up with to describe myself were:
  1. Contemplative
  2. Intense
  3. Loyal
What I found even more interesting were some of the adjectives my two partners in the exercise came up with (Ben T. and Steve W.). They described me as:
  • Deep-thinker (contemplative)
  • Innovative 
  • Pioneering
  • Smart
  • Hardworking
  • Caring
So... there ya go. I am happy with that. I could be many things, but I think those are all pretty apt descriptors of yours truly. I highly recommend this for anyone - to spend some time thinking about the adjectives that best describe you, and then ask a couple sincere friends to do the same.


bill Sloat said...

For you:


The alliteration is accidental.

JAH said...

When I used the word "intense" I meant it in the best possible way. To me it just says that you put your all into everything you do. I like the other words, too. :)