Activities -
- I've been reading the Bible on a daily basis again. I am using a "2-Year Bible" where I read a section of OT, NT, Psalms, and Proverbs each day. It is the New Living Translation. I like it because it's not as long as the 1-year plans. I generally do this early in the morning.
- I've started reading Eugene Peterson's "Living the Message" for daily devotions. I have it at work and look at the day's reading at some point.
- I meet with a pastor friend and we exchange coaching with one another once a week, over breakfast.
- I still meet with 2 of my pastor friends for breakfast every Thursday morning. We have been doing this for probably 15 years now.
- Jane and I are involved in a Discovery Bible Study with another couple once a week.
- Jane and I are also involved in a small group from church now. It meets once a week in someone's home and involves sharing a meal, fellowship, and Bible study.
- We are still greeters at church once a month (except during the summer when we do it every other month).
- I am still working at the self-storage place. It is not a bad job but... I am starting to wonder...
I still get asked occasionally if I am thinking about pastoring a church again. Um... not really. I currently have no inclination to do so - at least not in a traditional sense. Which doesn't mean I would be opposed to it if the opportunity presented itself. I guess it just means I am not seeking it out. In all honesty, I don't know how I would feel about it. This is an improvement over how I used to feel, but I don't know what that means beyond that.
I do know that I still feel very well informed and aware as a Christian / possible church leader. Even though I am not involved in leadership in a local church, I still have a sense of APE to me (apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic leadership). I love the meetings I have with other pastors, and enjoy talking about Jesus and the church every chance I get.
So I guess whether I ever pastor again in a traditional sense or not, I feel a part of the Kingdom and am open to ministry work. I also consider my coaching to be largely from a "pastoral" sense. Not occupationally, but in terms of mindset (if that makes sense).
Physically -
I could still stand to lose another 10 lbs or so of fat around my mid-section, but other than that I'm feeling pretty good. My foot pain is gone (both feet), the shoulder/arm pain I was having is gone, and I'm basically feeling fairly fit. I have been running 3-4 days a week, and nothing too long yet, and I usually start every day with some basic stretches and yoga moves.
Free -
I have been pondering some churchy sort of things lately - which I'm not really ready to discuss - but I do admit that I like the sense of freedom I have. Not that I don't have any accountability with anyone (I think I have plenty), but I don't feel the burden of having to try to please anyone, or keep anyone happy. I think that weighed pretty heavily on me when I was pastoring - especially toward the end. So, overall, while I am not where I would like to be spiritually, emotionally, or physically, I am feeling pretty good all the way around.