Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The jesus wall (redone)

I almost can't believe I have never posted about our "Jesus wall" before. I searched and searched my blog though, and can't find that I have. Well, this is it!

Several years ago I started collecting random pictures of Jesus. I was inspired by this nursing home in some small Indiana town that has hundreds of Jesus pictures. So I pick them up at garage sales and have friends find them for me wherever I can. There are a few more in the upstairs of our house, but this is the bulk of them.

When I first started collecting them I put them in the church building where I pastored, but when we left I decided to make a "Jesus wall" in our basement.

Well, when we had the 'great water mishap of May 2016' we had to remove everything from the walls. Jane then decided she wanted to paint everything, and when putting things back together we moved some things around. Yesterday she re-mounted the Jesus pics on a different wall. I like them here better. She did good.

I think we will probably put some candles or something on top of the bookshelf - something to go with the "holy vibe" of the room.

It's been awhile since I've gotten any new ones, so if you know of any, please let me know. Until then.... this is it.