Sunday, July 23, 2017

Garage door spring

I got home from work yesterday (Saturday) and the garage door wouldn't open. It turns out it had a broken spring. It is an Overhead Door "Legacy" model with two long thin springs. I didn't realize just how heavy our door was but I could only get it to raise about a foot by hand.

I thought about calling a guy I use at work, but I was hot and tired and just called the Overhead Door place and had them send a guy out to fix it. He was there in about an hour. He replaced both springs and tightened and lubed the chain, so it works great right now, but I WAAAAAAY overpaid to have it done.

I have door springs break all the time at work and there are three different companies we use. The mechanisms are slightly different, but they're relatively the same. The most we ever paid is just under $200. So I was a bit shocked when this guy gave us the bill for $360. That's about $100 more than it would have been if we'd waited until a weekday, but even $260 seems a bit high. Oh well, we needed to get in the garage, and we had it done quickly. The next time I will think harder about calling them though and maybe call one of the people I know through work.