The doctor visit went fine. My weight was 167 - which is about normal for me, but actually a little higher than it had been recently. I think doing a weekly "carb load" for the marathon training is to blame for the gain (which is apparently normal). The nurse and doctor neither one mentioned my blood pressure, so I'm taking that to mean it was acceptable. The nurse usually tells me if it's a little high.
We went through my test results and he gave me a glowing report. Whatever it is I'm doing, he said I should keep doing it. So I guess that means I'm fairly healthy - regardless of what anyone else says. :)
My blood test results were very similar to the last few years. Here are the results from last year. I was happy enough because I almost didn't go last week to have it done. I go to the Focus On Health thing they have every year, and I can get just about every test imaginable for $95. However, this year I stayed up kind of late the night before and drank a bit too much wine. I was still able to fast for at least 10 hours, so at the last minute, I decided to go. And the lady who drew my blood was THE ABSOLUTE BEST I've ever had. She took 3 vials and I honestly didn't feel a thing. I told her and she said that's because she prayed before she started. I think she is just really good at it too.
Anyway, here are my results, with the standard range in parenthesis):
WBC - 3.6 th/uL (3.4-10.5)
RBC - 4.47 mi/uL (4.30-5.70)
Hemoglobin - 14.3 g/dL (13.5-17.2)
Hematocrit - 42.2% (40.0-54.0)
MCV - 94.4 fl (82.0-98.0)
MCH - 32.0 pg (27.0-33.0)
MCHC - 33.9 g/dL (32.0-36.0)
RDW - 12.9% (11.5-14.5)
RDW-SD - 44.5 fl (36.4-54.5)
Platelets - 185 th/uL (150-450)
Bun - 15 mg/dL (9-21)
Creatinine - 0.87 mg/dL (0.80-1.30)
Calcium - 9.7 mg/dL (8.5-10.3)
Sodium - 139 mmol/L (134-146)
Potassium - 5.3 mmol/L (3.6-5.1)
Chloride - 98 mmol/L (98-107)
Co2 - 28 mmol/L (21-29)
Bilirubin total - 0.9 mg/dL (0.0-1.0)
Alkaline phos - 72 U/L (50-136)
Protein total - 7.4 g/dL (6.3-8.2)
Albumin - 4.9 g/dL (3.4-5.0)
Globulin - 2.5 g/dL (1.9-3.7)
A/G Ratio - 2.0 g/dL (1.0-2.5)
Alt (SGPT) - 16 U/L (10-40)
Ast (SGOT) - 25 U/L (15-37)
Glucose - 104 mg/dL (70-99)
Cholesterol - 248 mg/dL (0-200)
Triglyceride - 115 mg/dL (0-150)
HDL - 60 mg/dL (40-60)
LDL - 165 mg/dL (63-130)
Non-HDL chol - 188 mg/dL (?)
Chol/HDL ration - 4.13 (4.9)
Hemoglobin A1C - 5.5% (4.1-5.7)
TSH - 1.12 uIU/mL (0.30-3.80)
PSA diagnostic - 0.6 ng/mL (0.0-4.0)
So, there ya have it. My doctor said he wasn't worried about the glucose because some places say it can be up to 110, plus the A1C is within the standard range. He also said my cholesterol was good enough because my good cholesterol (HDL) was good and that kept my ratio good. Overall, he was happy, so I was happy.
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