Thursday, November 22, 2018

Forcing down some thanks

I usually have no trouble forcing food down when I don't feel like eating... Yet I'm not naturally a thankful or grateful person. So, on this Thanksgiving morning 2018, I thought I would try forcing a little thanks.

I've been doing fairly well lately mentally/emotionally. However, I'm wondering and waiting for my next schedule change at work (why can't I work the same hours every month?!?) and that always adds a lot of angst to my attitude. Last night's Thanksgiving-Eve festivities didn't go as planned either, plus our day started with the one toilet overflowing (again) and the oven doesn't work (again). Yeah... on THANKSGIVING!

So, let's give this a try... Certainly I am thankful for family, friends, and a nice home. Our cars both run. The Midwest weather isn't terrible just now. We both have jobs, and pretty much more than enough of everything we need. Life is not bad.

I do keep forgetting that I just ran a marathon a couple months ago. Yes, I am thankful not only for my/our health, but that both Jane and I are fairly fit as well.

Facebook reminded me that I gave my very first ride as an Uber driver on this date last year. I actually haven't driven officially since St. Patrick's Day, and my phone doesn't currently have enough space to operate the app. I'm thankful I no longer 'have to' do that. I kind of got tired of driving for Uber - had a couple bad experiences and it's hard to do if I'm not in the mood - plus I started getting more hours at the Y so I didn't 'need' to drive as much. However, I have started to miss it a little recently. I miss the freedom, and the sense of ownership - having something I could somewhat control and take an interest in - but at the same time any job working directly/solely with people has a whole lotta unknowns. I will likely drive some again when I get a new phone.

I do need to get a new phone, and I'm thankful that I can and am able to kinda/sorta work a smartphone still. I will likely get an iPhone 8 or 8 plus. My 5s with 16 gig memory simply doesn't cut it anymore for what I want it for.


Okay, so... yeah, that helped a little. I probably need to start one of those 'gratitude journals' or something. I don't know that I want to go so far as gratitude blogging... but, sometimes it's the simple acts that make the most difference. You know, like, taking 3 deep breaths when you start to get stressed out. Maybe I need to force 3 things I'm thankful for every time I start to get down.

Meh... we'll see. Happy Thanksgiving, folks. Eat well, sleep well, live well... and peace out (and in).

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