Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Weekend visit home

We made a quick visit to my parent's this past weekend. The two of us left early afternoon on Friday and made it in 4 1/4 hours. The Feipel 5 arrived later in the evening.

We didn't do too much. I suppose Saturday was our "thanksgiving meal"... and Jane made us lasagna. Jane and Carrie both had a nasty cough, but everyone else seemed to feel okay.

Saturday night the two of us went out to eat with Jane's brother and his wife. Otherwise... that was about it. Lots of football, lots of repeating ourselves to my dad's same old questions over and over, and... lots of eating.

We all left Sunday morning around 10-ish. It's a good thing because they had a major winter storm that evening and lost power overnight. I haven't heard exactly how much snow they got, but the Quad Cities had over 13 inches!

My only real chore for this visit was replacing the furnace filters. I think Drew had a few more. And... that was about the extent of it.

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