Monday, July 22, 2019

Heirarchy of human capabilities in the workplace

One of the online classes I took for work ('Delivering A Great Experience') used this graphic from Gary Hamel. I found it very interesting, and ironic as well.

The bottom three levels (obedience, diligence, and expertise) are certainly needed in a good workforce, but these aren't real motivating for employees, and are more matters of the head/mind.

The top three (initiative, creativity, and passion) are matters of the HEART, and they are what matters in today's world! These are the gifts each individual brings to the table, and it not only inspires the employees who get to share their gifts, but sets that workplace apart where they can be used.

The summary of the teaching from this session was: "Today it is critical that all people operate at the highest levels of human capabilities if any organization is to differentiate itself. Good leaders create conditions that enable this. Customer-facing team members that operate at the peak of the pyramid are the builders of the company."

So, what's ironic about this? As I was studying this last week, my boss thought it a good idea to send out what he called a "coaching tip" to all the employees. He wanted us to be aware how it might look to our members if they see us on our phones and devises at work. So we're not supposed to look at our phone, talk on the phone, or use the computer when members are around. If it's a slow time, we should be out cleaning equipment. .........

I was pissed on so many levels at this. I'm still pissed!! For one thing, this goes totally against what was being taught in this class (which I'm sure he hasn't taken). I also hate when he sends these passive-aggressive emails that don't speak to specifics but are apparently just random "advice" for anyone and everyone. Of course he would never say anything to anyone's face, but feels the need to send random generalized emails to everyone. That way no one knows who he's talking to - if anyone! Oh, and those of us who are supposed to be working the front desk are also supposed to answer the phone on the first ring, greet everyone that comes in the door, make sure they check in properly, and say good-bye to everyone as they leave! Aaaaand we're supposed to be familiar with the Y app, the eGYM app, and keep up on articles at this site that offers the online classes, plus read the umpteen emails the boss sends us every day! Not to mention the things we ARE supposed to do on the computer, and the fact we get no lunch break or any break at all during our shifts!

Ugh... sorry, but my blood is boiling as I type this. Because you know what he does every day when he gets to work? He runs for an hour on the treadmill, takes a shower, and then gets on his phone or computer!!!!!!

Anyway, sorry about all that. While I agree with this teaching about human capabilities... I'm not sure what good it does or how it's supposed to work when the boss sees no value in it. Because what that does is make employees who do want to show initiative, creativity and passion, not do anything at all.

Such is life, I guess.

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