Sunday, October 25, 2020

Music & mustache

What do you do when there's nothing else to do? Why, you listen to music and grow a mustache!

I believe I shared before how we recently brought our little radio/phone/cd/cassette player upstairs and have been using it more. One day I realized we could even hook up our old ipod to it! And yesterday I finally (sort of) organized the cds alphabetically. The ones we listen to most on the shelf, and the rest in the tub under the radio - as well as some in the drawer of the hutch (which actually was my dresser as a child - until Jane's brother added the top shelving).

We'd been meaning to purchase John Prine's 'Tree of Forgiveness' for awhile, and after watching a documentary on the making of Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon' the other night, we tried listening to that cd. However, we forgot our old cd hasn't worked very well for some time, so... We went to a record store and bought them both! I actually mistakenly thought it was 'record store day' - which it wasn't - but we had a good time nonetheless.

And... yes, I have another mustache. I grew a quarantine 'stash during the shutdown, but I've been working on this one for a month or two. I'm also growing my hair out, which you can't really see much from this pic (I haven't showered in a few days). Sometimes, if I don't look at the top or back of my head, it actually looks like I have hair again. I prefer it short, but Jane likes it longer. I intend to grow it down to my butt (but I know I won't).

Anyway, you can tell it's a slow news day...


3 John 1:2

"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well."


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