Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Highly sensitive extrovert

WOW of all wows! I think I finally figured it out! I think I've discovered who/what I am!!!

I have always struggled fitting myself into either the introvert or extrovert categories, because I seem to be BOTH. 

According to Wikipedia, the terms introversion and extraversion were introduced into psychology by Carl Jung. Extraversion tends to be manifested in outgoing, talkative, energetic behavior, whereas introversion is manifested in more reflective and reserved behavior. I've also heard it described as extroverts get their energy from being around other people, whereas introverts get their energy from being alone

Yes... I need both!

Well, there's a term that somewhat describes that. An "ambivert" is apparently someone whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features. 

Unfortunately... there is nothing BALANCED about my personality! It's also not like I can choose when I need to be alone or when I need to be around people. 


Most of my life I've considered myself an introvert, because I'm fairly shy and contemplative. Yet there are times I also like to be chatty and be around other people. Lately I've wondered if maybe I am more of an extrovert than I thought. So this morning I googled "contemplative extrovert." I thought, "Who knows; maybe it's a thing." Well guess what?!?

That's when I discovered HSPs (highly sensitive persons). I think I'm a Highly Sensitive Extrovert!

I've yet to dive too deep into this article 'Introversion/Extroversion and the Highly Sensitive Person,' but from a glance it seems to fit me to a T! Here's a tidbit:

According to the documentary Sensitive: The Untold Story, there are 1.4 billion highly sensitive people (HSPs) in the world (15-20% of the population). As Elaine Aron’s research has shown, 30% of that 15-20% of the HSP population are sensitive extroverts – or approximately 420 million HSPs... They are often referred to as the “extroverted introvert,” the “outgoing introvert” or the “contemplative extrovert.”

I don't know if this means anything to you, but it dang near brought me to tears. I MIGHT ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME... and maybe nothing's wrong with me at all!!!

Anyway, this has given me a little bit of hope today. I'm going to just sit with it for a while. It may even get me through a couple days.

Ah, to actually be known... Finally. (at least I'm going with that until I find out otherwise)

[See also '13 Signs You're A Highly Sensitive Extrovert']


"Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely." - 1 Corinthians 13:12

1 comment:

Jane said...

I would have to say I would go with the "nothing is wrong with me" stance. I do believe this does describe you though. I've always considered you very contemplative but yet marvel at how you can converse with such a wide range of people at any given moment. So, contemplative introvert seems pretty fitting.